Much quieter!

Hear for yourself how much quieter a modular expansion joint becomes when equipped with mageba’s specially profiled noise-reducing surfacing.

At mageba, we have known for many years how much quieter a modular expansion joint can be made by adding our “sinus plates” to the driving surface. But stating facts such as “noise is reduced by up to 80%”, or even describing it in detail as we did in a previous newsletter article, is not necessarily the best way to communicate the noise-reduction benefit – so we have made a video to let you see and hear for yourself!

Noise from bridge expansion joints can be a source of substantial disturbance to the communities that live nearby – potentially causing a long-term public-relations headache for bridge owners and operators, and considerable costs in addressing the problem.

Better to avoid such difficulties by talking to our expansion joint specialists in advance and solving the problem before it arises – we are always happy to help.

Get further information:


Noise from traffic crossing modular expansion joints can be greatly reduced by equipping the joints with suitably designed surface plates which bridge the joint’s individual gaps.

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