mageba sa
Trafostrasse 1
8180 Bulach
Opening hours work days:
08:30–12:00 / 14:00–17:00 (Friday: till 16:00)
Tel: +41-44-872 40 50
In 2013 the Hungarian government started the construction of a new 34 km long bicycle lane between the town of Nyíregyháza and Tokaj as part of its Modern Cities Programme.
The lane has been built in five stages and now fulfils two aims: it diverts the bicycle traffic from the busy Highway No. 38 connecting these two towns, and it facilitates rural tourism in the region.
As part of the project, four unused bridges running across the floodplain of the River Tisza were renovated to accommodate the cycle route, which runs parallel to Highway No. 38 on most of its length.
For this project, mageba supplied 11.47 m of POLYFLEX-ADVANCED PU expansion joint, with a movement capacity of 120 mm.
This joint type was partially chosen as it creates a perfectly flat transition between the structure and the road at both sides of the bridge and it also enables the installation work to be carried out in phases, with very little impact on traffic.
Moreover, POLYFLEX joints can be easily and quickly repaired or replaced if necessary, which was another major consideration of the project.
Type: | POLYFLEX-ADVANCED PU PA120 flexible plug expansion joint |
Installation: | 2017 |
City: | Rakamaz |
Type: | Concrete bridge |
Built: | 1959 |
Owner: | Magyar Közút |
Contractor: | Depona Plusz Kft. |