mageba sa
Trafostrasse 1
8180 Bulach
전화: +41-44-872 40 50
It’s not every day you get asked to design and manufacture bearings to support the superstructure of an airport taxiway structure that carries enormous aircraft across a highway – but our team in Singapore got the opportunity when the owner of Changi Airport identified the need to replace the bearings of four airport bridges. Two of these are taxiway bridges that are regularly crossed by A380 airplanes – the world’s largest passenger aircraft, which exert live loading that is many times higher than that from normal highway traffic. Since live loading from taxiing aircraft consists not only of aircraft weight forces but also of longitudinal and transverse forces due to acceleration, braking and turning, the demands on bearings for taxiway structures like these are unusually high.
To meet the structure’s needs, mageba designed and produced 138 RESTON®SPHERICAL bearings and 28 RESTON®POT bearings, and delivered them to site following completion of the specified laboratory testing. These were installed in a way that minimized impacts on airport operations without jeopardizing aircraft safety – and they can be relied upon to serve the airport’s needs for many years to come, because mageba has decades of experience in supplying extraordinary structural components for exceptional loading. So talk to us if ever you need a little extra confidence in the performance of your structure’s bearings – we will be glad to support you.
Client’s engineer: T.Y.Lin International Pte Ltd
Owner: Changi Airport Group
Contractor: China Communication Construction Limited (Singapore Branch)