Sede principal
mageba sa
Trafostrasse 1
8180 Bulach
Tel: +41-44-872 40 50
The West Gate Tunnel Project in Melbourne is currently one of Australia’s largest infrastructure projects, centered on the construction of a pair of three-lane road tunnels, each 6.8 kilometers long. The project also includes the widening and strengthening of many existing bridges and the construction of numerous new structures – involving a remarkable 22 kilometers of bridge structures in total. Many of these bridges and elevated highways are being constructed with mageba bearings and expansion joints, with our local team having already designed and supplied 750 LASTO®BLOCK elastomeric bearings and 329 RESTON®POT bearings of the HP (high-performance) variety, with 1070 linear meters of TENSA®SEAL expansion joint also supplied. The required testing of the bearings was performed in mageba’s NATA-accredited lab in Sydney and in the company’s NATA ILAC MRA facility in Asia, confirming the quality and performance that is to be expected from mageba bearings at any time – and is always demanded by an extraordinary project such as this.
Client’s engineer: Aurecon Jacobs JV
Owner: Transurban
Contractor: CPB JH JV