Şirket Merkezi
mageba sa
Trafostrasse 1
8180 Bulach
Opening hours work days:
08:30–12:00 / 14:00–17:00 (Friday: till 16:00)
Tel: +41-44-872 40 50
Pre-design of TENSA-MODULAR joints for easy replacement at end of life
Quick renewal, less impact on traffic
Retains concreted-in parts of old joint
Avoids breaking out, placing concrete
Efficient maintenance with little space available
A significant portion of a bridge's life-cycle costs for expansion joints is related to replacement expenses. Traditionally, installing a new joint on an existing structure requires the complete removal of the old joint, including breaking out deck material and reconstructing the superstructure. Therefore, a design that simplifies the replacement process is an important consideration in a world where sustainability is truly valued and traffic disruption should really be minimised.
By designing the expansion joint with the intention of supporting easy replacement, the so-called "Quick-Ex" system for modular expansion joints (quick exchange) significantly reduces the time and effort required to maintain or renew the joint. The design of a “Quick-Ex” modular joint will enable the main mechanical structure, consisting primarily of the centerbeams that form the driving surface and the support bars beneath, to be easily replaced without any need for cutting or welding on the joint or any impact on the main structure. It will not be necessary to break out concrete, cut steel, damage asphalt or affect waterproofing, and therefore placing of these materials to reconstruct the deck will also not be required. The moving parts of the joint are simply unscrewed, lifted out and replaced as a package – far more quickly than would otherwise be possible and with an absolute minimum of impact on traffic.