mageba sa
Trafostrasse 1
8180 Bulach
Opening hours work days:
08:30–12:00 / 14:00–17:00 (Friday: till 16:00)
Tel: +41-44-872 40 50
Typical movements: Up to 135 mm
Strong, durable and silent
Exceptional geometric flexibility
Max. comfort and safety for users
Ideal for refurbishment projects
The flexible plug expansion joint system, TENSA® POLYFLEX® ADVANCED PU, is a completely new development based on elastic polymers and herewith a new generation of flexible plug expansion joints. Compared to other expansion joint designs, flexible plug expansion joints offer several advantages including: unsurpassed driving comfort, nearly zero noise emission, 100 % water tightness, highly flexible installation possibilities in sections (e.g. lane-by-lane), etc.
The TENSA®POLYFLEX® ADVANCED PU joint uses a durable, fully elastic material with a very high tear resistance and at the same time causing very low reaction forces.
The TENSA® POLYFLEX® ADVANCED PU plug expansion joint system can be cast into nearly any joint shape (e.g. upstands, skewed angles, T and X joints, etc.). Plug expansion joints are specifically suitable for the use in bridges, infrastructural projects such as architectural and industrial structures like shopping malls, car-parks, airport buildings, runaways or railway stations. Applications in pharmaceutical industries and hospitals where sterile joints and crossings are of the utmost significance are also to be mentioned.
Installation of Plug Expansion Joints – Wipkinger Bridge, Zurich, Siwtzerland
Plug Expansion Joints for the Asian Games – Hangyong Expressway, Hangzhou, China
Precast Plug Joints – an installation innovation! – Longdong Avenue, Shanghai, China