mageba sa
Trafostrasse 1
8180 Bulach
Opening hours work days:
08:30–12:00 / 14:00–17:00 (Friday: till 16:00)
Tel: +41-44-872 40 50
Based on well-proven RESTON-POT
Allows lifting of superstructure
Loads can be measured
Ideal for Structural Health Monitoring Applications
mageba RESTON-POT LIFT-CONTROL lifting and measuring bearings are based on the RESTON-POT structural bearing. An integrated electronic sensor enables the force carried by the bearing to be measured directly. The bearing, which also features an integrated needle valve, can also be used – together with an external hydraulic pump – to lift the bridge deck as required.
RESTON-POT LIFT-CONTROL lifting and measuring bearings are used for bridges which might be expected to experience ground settlements, and to satisfy particular demands in building construction. Vertical displacements can be easily and safely compensated using the lifting function of the structural bearing, saving the need for hydraulic jacks and the insertion and removal of packing plates.