mageba sa
Trafostrasse 1
8180 Bulach
Opening hours work days:
08:30–12:00 / 14:00–17:00 (Friday: till 16:00)
Tel: +41-44-872 40 50
The Elemento Building in Guatemala City, currently under construction, is a 14-storey structure that will house commercial space, corporate offices and eight floors of studio apartments. The building is special not only for its spectacular appearance, but also because it is the first building in Guatemala City to be built with a seismic isolation solution to protect it from the earthquakes that can affect this part of the world. While mageba has previously supplied numerous seismic isolation solutions for buildings in other parts of Latin America (e.g. Casa 159, Edificio de Ciencias, Sky Building and Espacio Condesa Building), as well as various other seismic protection solutions (e.g. using RESTON®SA shock absorbers to protect buildings in Mexico city), this project marks the first of its kind in Guatemala City – for mageba or any other supplier.
The building will be seismically protected against violent ground movements by the 27 LASTO®LRB isolator bearings on which the building is being constructed. These lead rubber bearings have diameters ranging from 850 mm to 1,200 mm, with the biggest designed to support vertical loads of 20,000 kN. These isolators will work in conjunction with seven RESTON®SLIDER bearings, each designed with a vertical load capacity of 3,450 kN. Both types of seismic protection device will allow up to 300 mm of horizontal movement in any direction during a seismic event.
The installation of these devices has now been completed, under mageba supervision. We are proud to have brought our part of this special project to a successful conclusion, and are already looking forward to undertaking another project for the same client – largely based on the good experience of working with our Latin American team on this project. Congratulations to all those involved!
Structural designer: Sismoconsult
Contractor: Sermasa
Owner: Grupo Origo