mageba sa
Trafostrasse 1
8180 Bulach
Opening hours work days:
08:30–12:00 / 14:00–17:00 (Friday: till 16:00)
Tel: +41-44-872 40 50
The Danube Bridge is the main structure on the new Bratislava Bypass section of the country’s D4 motorway, which forms part of the Trans-European Transport Network and is therefore of international importance.
It is situated just outside the Slovak capital, Bratislava, and it is the country’s long-est bridge.
The structure is a concrete box girder bridge with a total length, including approaches, of 3,000 m – mostly with spans of about 67.5 m but with six longer spans of between 130 m and 210 m.
Large expansion joints were required at five locations along the bridge, each over 30 m long.
The required longitudinal movement range was between 500 mm and 1,400 mm for each joint, and it was also specified – in keeping with the bridge’s location in a sensitive, ecologically protected area – that the noise emitted by traffic passing over the joints should be very low.
Considering all specifications and requirements, mageba proposed the optimal solution: TENSA-MODULAR (type LR-LS) expansion joints with noise-reducing surfacing. As well as greatly reducing the noise of traffic passing over a modular joint, the noise-reducing (“sinus plate”) surfacing enables the largest movement requirement of 1,400 mm to be met by a 14-gap joint (at 100 mm per gap).
The supplied joints are the largest-movement expansion joint on the Slovakian road network.
Products: | TENSA-MODULAR LR-LS expansion joints |
Feature: | Noise reducing “sinus plates” |
Installed: | 2020–2021 |
City: | Bratislava |
Type: | Concrete box girder bridge |
Length: | 3,000 m |
Owner: | Zero Bypass Ltd. (Cintra, Macquarie Capital, PORR AG and Aberdeen Stand ard Investments) |
Contractor: | The consortium D4R7 Construction s.r.o. between Ferrovial Construction and PORR |
Engineer: | Dopravoprojekt, a.s. TORROJA ENGENIERÍA, S.L.P. |