mageba sa
Trafostrasse 1
8180 Bulach
Opening hours work days:
08:30–12:00 / 14:00–17:00 (Friday: till 16:00)
Tel: +41-44-872 40 50
The Sotonovo Uno building is an exclusive residential development inspired by the global housing trends, which seeks to optimize urban spaces, without losing the comfort of a traditional home.
The building overlooks to the Guayas River and its estuary, and surrounded by decorative gardens and areas for recreation such as sports fields, swimming pools and a clubhouse.
Since the building is situated in an seismically active region, its isolation was a necessary to minimize the possible future damages in an event of an earthquake.
The required 81 RESTON-PENDULUM DUPLO bearings were designed to suit the project’s specific requirements.
Their maximum vertical load capacity is 3,630 kN, and each is able to accommodate displacements of 280 mm.
Following approval of designs by the client, the seismic isolators were manufactured in mageba’s Turkish factory.
Beyond the required products, two additional units were produced for full-scale testing at the ESQUAKE laboratory in Turkey.
The seismic isolation bearings were then shipped to Guayaquil and installed to support the building’s superstructure at ground level.
Products: | RESTON-PENDULUM DUPLO bearings |
Installed: | 2021 |
City: | Guayaquil |
Type: | Residential building |
Owner: | Pronobis S.A. |
Contractor: | INMOMARIUXI C.A |