Product applications for industrial structures

Project references – Monitoring systems

Project references – Movable Bridges

Project references – North America

Project references – North and South America

Project references – Pedestrian Bridges

Project References – Ports and Wharfs

Project references – Public Transportation Infrastructure

Project references – Roof structures

Project references – Seismic protection of hospitals and fire stations

Project references – Seismic protection systems

Appareils d’appuis structuraux

Appuis levants et mesurants RESTON-POT LIFT-CONTROL

Sliding material ROBO-SLIDE 75

Appuis de déformation LASTO-BLOCK T

Elastomeric bearing with elastomer bond LASTO-FLONBLOCK

Verformungslager LASTO-BLOCK B

Joints de dilatation

Constructions massives de joints tout en métal MIGUTRANS

Erdbebensichere Fugekonstruktionen MIGUMAX

Joint de dilatation étanches MIGUTAN

Joint de dilatation flexible POLYFLEX-SLIM PU

Joint de dilatation flexible TENSA-POLYFLEX-RapidCure RC

Kleb- und Dichtsystem MULTIFIX

Profilé de joint de compression – TENSA-COMPRESS A

Profilé de joint de compression – TENSA-COMPRESS N

Profilés pour les joints de dilatation au niveau des murs et du sol MIGUTEC

Joint de dilatation flexible TENSA-POLYFLEX-ADVANCED PU

Joints à peigne TENSA-FINGER RSFD

Joints monocellulaires TENSA-CRETE RE

Joints monocellulaires TENSA-GRIP RS / RS HP

“Quick-Ex” system for TENSA®MODULAR expansion joints

Carriageway Strengthening ROBO-STATIFLEX

Fuse-Systems for TENSA®MODULAR expansion joints

Joints à lamelles TENSA-MODULAR LR and LR-LS

Joints à lamelles TENSA-MODULAR LR et LR-LS

Joints à peigne TENSA-FINGER GF

Joints de voies ferrées TENSA-RAIL RSU

Renforcment des chaussées ROBO-DUR

Protection parasismique

Amortisseurs hydrauliques RESTON-SA

Appuis pendulaires à glissement RESTON PENDULUM

Isolateurs sismiques LASTO-HDRB

Isolateurs sismiques LASTO-LRB

Amortisseurs à ressort précontraints RESTON-PSD

Unités de transmission des chocs RESTON-STU

Surveillance d‘ouvrages

Integrated SHM system ROBO-SMART for expansion joints

Structural Monitoring Monitoring – portable and permanent systems

Surveillance à distance permanente ROBO-CONTROL Permanent

Surveillance mobile ROBO-CONTROL Portable

Earthquake monitoring ROBO-QUAKE