mageba sa
Trafostrasse 1
8180 Bulach
Opening hours work days:
08:30–12:00 / 14:00–17:00 (Friday: till 16:00)
Tel: +41-44-872 40 50
At mageba we are always seeking for a perfect match when it comes to hiring new employees. That‘s why we put a lots of efforts into our application process – from receiving your application to starting work with us.
Let‘s find out whether we match!
Please make sure that your data is correct, the application is complete and includes the following: Cover letter, Curriculum Vitae (with a picture), Certificates and Employment References.
The application shall be sent via e-mail to the respective e-mail address given in the job offer. If you want to make a spontaneous application, we are looking forward to receiving your application. Please send to hr@mageba.ch.
mageba will send you a confirmation mail, so you can be sure we have received your application.
Our HR department will go through your application and discuss your profile with the responsible of the respective department.
If your application meets our criteria and we are impressed by your CV, we want to get to know you better. A member of the HR department will get in contact with you to fix a date for the first interview. The first interview normally takes place at our Headquarter in Bulach or at any subsidiary of mageba. In some cases we do a short pre-interview with you on the phone.
The first interview serves to present yourself. We will concentrate on you and your strengths, interests and experience, and of course on the expectations and skills that are relevant for mageba and the job you have applied for. We also take the opportunity to present mageba Group from different angles, such as business areas but also company culture and values we stand for as well as life at mageba. Your interviewers will be your future superior and colleagues from your future area or work. Any question that might be left, we are happy to answer as well.
During this meeting we do the first part of the assessments (numerical and a subject-specific tests).
When you come to see us the second time, we will clear final details and questions. Also a Board Member or CEO will be one of the interviewers. For some job offers we might ask you to prepare a task and to present it during the second interview.
mageba‘s HR department or your future superior will inform you by telephone shortly after your second interview whether or not you got the job. If both parties agree, you will also receive your contract of employment and further details for the first days at mageba.
Congratulations, you have made it!
You are young, practically talented, curious and willing to learn? Then you are the right person to join mageba. We offer apprenticeships in different business fields and provide you a profound and mentored education, but also professional opportunities after your education.
Start your business life at mageba and work and learn from experienced and highly-qualified colleagues all over the world. Your entry into the international world of engineering starts with your application.
Knowledge and experience are assets that we uphold at mageba. In addition we know the value of networking and professional exchange. Share your experience, knowledge and dedication with us and we will offer you great opportunities to further develop your professional career.
Before sending the application check once again that all requirements are met (cover letter, CV, certificates, employment references) and all data is correct. Once all documents are ready, merge them into a single file. That makes it much easier for us to look at your application.
Make up your mind on your motivation to apply for the job, this is a critical step and we are especially interested in that.
Make your CV short and clear, and bring all data up to date. In case of gaps in your CV, let us know what you did during your breaks.
Arrive relaxed and on time. If you’re going to be late or do not find us, please let our our HR department know.
Inform yourself about our industry, our business segments and products.
Get an idea of mageba‘s company structure and culture, and think about what you would like to know from us.
Prepare properly so you can give us a brief and informative description of your professional and personal development and illustrate with conrete examples.
Be honest and spontaneous. Being a little nervous shows us that the interview is important to you. Our goal is to create an atmosphere for you that makes you feel comfortable.
Your application will be treated confidentially according to data protection regulations and only by authorized persons. In the event of a rejection by mageba or of explicit request of the applicant, the data will be deleted.