Şirket Merkezi
mageba sa
Trafostrasse 1
8180 Bulach
Opening hours work days:
08:30–12:00 / 14:00–17:00 (Friday: till 16:00)
Tel: +41-44-872 40 50
The Viaducto de Trapagaran is part of the Metropolitan South Bypass of Bilbao, Spain, better known as Supersur. The imposing main bridge structure is one of the longest and most complex constructions of the “Variante Sur Metropolitana” and rises 40 meters above ground. With a width of about 36 m, the construction is one of the widest bridges in Europe. The main structure has a length of 670 m and is divided into central spans of 125 m each. It consists of a pretensioned concrete girder with 18 m width and 6 m height. The piles which support the main bridge consist of a prismatic square of 8.5 per 5.1 m.
For this bridge, mageba delivered two different types of expansion joints.
On one abutment a TENSA-MODULAR expansion joint type LR6 of 35.60 m with a movement capacity of 480 mm was supplied, which permits movements and rotations in all three directions.
On the other side of the bridge a TENSA-FINGER expansion joint type RSFD-B of 35.60 m was delivered, which permits longitudinal movements of 480 mm.
Products: | TENSA-MODULAR Typ LR6 / TENSA-FINGER Typ RSFD expansion joints |
Features: | max. movement 480mm |
Installed: | 2009 |
City: | Bilbao |
Type: | Box girder bridge |
Length: | 670m |