mageba sa
Trafostrasse 1
8180 Bulach
Opening hours work days:
08:30–12:00 / 14:00–17:00 (Friday: till 16:00)
Tel: +41-44-872 40 50
The Peace Bridge is one of Wroclaw‘s bridges over the Oder river and connects the Ohlauer suburb with the sand suburb eastern to the island of the dome and western with the Grunwald Bridge.
Its precursor was the Lessing Bridge that had been destroyed in the Second World War, and from which only the beachheads could have been embraced in the new construction. The designer of this new prestressed concrete bridge was Professor Jan Kmita of the Technical University of Wroclaw. Initially named after the nearby economic department „most Wojewódzki“ (Woiwodschaft Bridge) the bridge was finally renamed to „most Pokoju“ (Peace Bridge) with reference to the Rapacki-Plan in attendance of Mr. Adam Rapacki in 1966.
mageba received the order for the supply of its flexible plug expansion joint POLYFLEX-ADVANCED PU.
Installation was carried out in four construction sections: Section 1 and 2 covered the joint‘s installation on the driving surface; section 3 covered the removal of the rails and track supporting layers and the joint‘s installation; the installation team finally accomplished the pavements in section 4.
The advantages of this mageba system:
• No further clearance for the plug joints required
• Quick and step-by-step installation (in particular for the track supporting layers of the tramway)
• Insensibility against vibrations
Products: | POLYFLEX-ADVANCED PU, type PA50 with carriageway strengthening |
Features: | +33/–17 mm movement |
Installation: | 2014 |
City: | Wroclaw |
Structure: | Prestressed concrete bridge |
Construction: | 1957–1958 |
Length: | 125.3 m |
Owner: | City of Wroclaw |
Designer: | Jan Kmita |